Thank you to all the dunkers (younger), the dunkees (wetter) and other
contributors (you know who you are)!
At the August 7 Truckin’ Event, this diverse group added $1,792 to our
special campaign to reduce St. Andrew’s budget deficit by half.
Our church started 2024 with a projected deficit of $80,000. When
successful, this campaign to have 200 parishioners give an extra $200
each will reduce that deficit by $40,000. (PS - gifts smaller or larger than
$200 are welcome, too!)
So far, 95 parishioners have given $18, 348.25. With 6 weeks to go, we’ve
got room for another 105 parishioners giving on average $200 each to
reach our goal of $40,000. And new commitments made by 9/30/24 can be
paid over time as long as they are paid in full by the end of the year.
For all who have already given to this special campaign, your Vestry and
Stewardship Committee thank you!
And for those still considering a gift, listen to what the dunkers and the
dunkees say: “Come on in, the water’s fine”!